The Dignified Self follows the mission to cultivate mindfulness in the technology age. The initiative targets individuals as well as companies, with the goal to make the topic of mindfulness more tangible to everyone – especially in the technology age of information and distraction.
We aim to add value and support people and companies to further connect within – and not just to their smartphones.
This also includes the management boards as they are the people that often function as role models to many people. They should be the ones presenting ways to become more mindful with our tech, team members and of course – ourselves. They should be empowered with applicable tool kits and practice. Every change starts within. Already Aristotle said that knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. You can only truly listen if you have learned to listen to yourself and your surrounding. You can only lead with empathy and truly understand the needs of your colleagues, if you know yourself and have cultivated the ability to stay calm in the storm.
This is why we want to support the establishment of mindfulness in the business world. We feel it is needed – especially today in accelerating times. Mindfulness is a great vehicle to improve empathy and emotional intelligence. Character traits that are very important within leadership boards. Especially in times of rising artificial intelligence, we should not be forgetting our ethics, humanity and values. We are only at the beginning of the acceleration – more technology and robotics are just around the corner. We should be mindful of what is happening. Applied mindfulness also leads to more efficiency, productivity and happiness, as many studies reveal. That is just one of the potential positive outcomes.
Listings on Harvard Business Manager and Manager Seminare

More and more managers seem to agree with us and connect us on various channels. We are honored and happy to see that we reach the business world with our initiative and to see that the high relevance of mindfulness in the technology age is being understood by corporates and managers.
Last year we have been listed on the Facebook page of Harvard Business Manager with our blog post “Top 10 Yoda quotes for every day” which includes thoughts on how the Jedi wisdom can be applied to mindfulness and to the

mindset needed in digital transformation. This was a big honor.
We just realized that we have also been recently featured and introduced by the German magazine Manager Seminare within the edition: “Empathy in Management” (12/15, ed. 213), which can be ordered here.
We are very happy to reach the management boards too with The Dignified Self and would like to dearly thank both publications for covering us.
If you are interested in change, in humanity in the technology age, in emotional intelligence in leadership and in modern concepts on how to become more mindful – despite of being a workaholic – please get in touch with us.
Whats next?

I would like to invite you to join me at the RETHINK! ITEM Europe 2016 conference in London, the leading digital IT event for CIOs & senior IT executives in Europe. I am honored to speak there and will be running an icebreaker session on the evening of the 24th of April on mindfulness in the technology age. Please contact us for discounted tickets in case you would like to attend. Would be great to see you there.
Furthermore, we are currently working on concepts and models to further establish mindfulness in the business world. This blog, which includes interviews and different takes on mindfulness in the technology age, is of course already a part of it. So thank you for reading it and for your support. We will share and announce further details on our next steps soon. But watch out for something called the DIGNIFIED DAY.
If you would like to learn more or are interested in even becoming one of our pilot partners, please reach out to Heike Scholz and me at info∂
Let’s create a better future together. The era of the mindful leaders has arrived!
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