As announced in our recent blog post “The Mindful 3“, we are happy to introduce you today to our first interview partner on the topic of mindfulness in digital times. Her name is Inmaculada Martinez and we first met at an inspiring Socratic Design Workshop by Rudy de Waele and Humberto Schwab, where thoughts of philosophy met those of technology (see blog post here). After doing a meditation together, Inmaculada and I felt an instant connection, which has continued ever since.
Here are a few words on the background of Inmaculada Martinez:
Inma is a tech a pioneer in the mobile and digital industries since the 1990s, founding and leading to successful exits and growth a number of high profile tech startups in the UK and Finland. Fortune and TIME have described her as one of Europe’s top talents in human digital engagement. Silicon Valley’s Red Herring has ranked her amongst the top 40 women in technology innovation and FastCompany labelled her a “firestarter”. A data scientist who built the first A.I. platform for personalising mobile data services, she is currently a Venture Partner at Deep Science Ventures, a tech & sciences accelerator and investment fund. As a working scientist at Right Brain Future, Inma continues to lead a number of A.I. and data projects in the private sector ranging from cyberspace security in education, intelligent homes and smart cities to precision livestock farming and human analytics for product innovation. For over 10 years she has been an advisor to the EU Technology Commission and currently supports a new initiative to regulate A.I. development in robotics.
Mindful 3 with DIGNIFIED Inmaculada
This extract of three questions was taken from an interview published in the book “Achtsamkeit in digitalen Zeiten” (Engl. “Mindfulness in digital times”), which is currently being translated into the English language (get notified here).
1. What is mindfulness to you and how would you describe the effects it has?
Personally, being able to re-orientate my life and to shift into spirituality 20 years ago has allowed me to evolve into someone who understands that a human being is not just a physical body, but a four-body system that needs to be balanced: a physical, mindful, emotional and spiritual being that each day must grow within a variety of levels, not just ageing. I was „saved“ from derailing into self-combustion from the pressure of being an overachiever thanks to the power of meditation and energy healing therapies. That is the honest truth and I’m not afraid or constrained to publicly share it with others.
My life literally changed towards a “me” that was calmer, more thoughtful, more aware of the grace of the universe, of trust in myself and in life itself to help me achieve my goals in an honest, kinder attitude for my highest benefit and that of all concerned. When I say spirituality I don’t mean ‚dogma‘, as in believing in one god figure.
Being spiritual is allowing yourself to connect with all beings of creation: nature, animals, children, older people who need our help, others whom we encounter in our daily life. Connecting means having an open heart to love and be loved, to be a kind person expecting nothing in return, just because it is the right state of being. Many religions have exploited the word ‚spirituality‘ but it is a state of being as human as it can be. We are born spiritual beings and it is our job to expand ourselves in that direction and in all the four dimensions of our existence as wide and far as we can.
Mindfulness today is the direction that is awakening many people to realise their full potential, the need to manifest themselves fourth-dimensionally. It is the first big step but it is the most important towards being and living to our fulfilled destinies with positive purpose.
2. How does or did mindfulness affect your own life (business & private)?
I try to meditate each night as a way of “cleansing” myself from the debris of the day, especially on days where I had draining meetings, or was caught up in the negative web of others, which can truly deplete you from your own positive energy and good vibes. I also use this time to plan the next day and to tell my whole being that, aside from resting on a bed for seven hours, it should repair whatever needs repairing, whether it is cells and organs, or a little pain on my lower back, or my emotions.
Some meditation friends have praised the amazing results of early morning meditations, but I cannot synch into that. When I wake up, I like to spring into my day with physicality: I do my ballet bar workout, my stretches, I delve into my coffee with delight, I am ready for action. The night for me is winding down, more personal, intimate. Each one must feel their own perfect time.
Maybe taking a break in the middle of the afternoon to sit at a cafe outside the office to meditate with your eyes open, looking at the world with inner peace and seeking to find beauty in everything you see. Yes, you can do this too. And it is also mindfulness.
3. Why do you think a woman like Lilian N. Güntsche is a good fit to write a book on mindfulness in modern times?

Lilian not only brings forth a flourishing career as a digital strategist, artist and entrepreneur, but also a genuine understanding of the importance of humanising society with values and practices that will improve everyone from within for the highest benefit of the outside world. With her book, she has done it with thoughtfulness, kindness and a great positive attitude.
If you would like to learn more of Inmaculada’s views on mindfulness in digital times, you can read the full interview in the book “Achtsamkeit in digitalen Zeiten” (In Engl. Mindfulness in digital times). Just get the book with the English Interview on Amazon or download the chapter “Voices from Practices” (Stimmen aus der Praxis) now.
Furthermore we would like to point out that Inmaculada Martinez is also an author for the Huffington Post. Her article Mindful Luxury includes some brilliant thinking on Mindfulness and how Millennials hack their lifestyles. Big thanks for also mentioning The Dignified Self in this piece, Inma <3 Check out the blog post Mindful Luxury here.