Steve Jobs has given an inspiration speech at Stanford University in his times, that today is known all over the world. Still I do not want to miss out on sharing it here with you. I’ve seen this talk so many times and it adds value to my life every time I watch it. I can only recommend to watch it again every now and then. It includes so many genious thoughts and quotes of one of the greatest masters of digital revolution.
One of my favorite quotes is the one about life and the relevant question that Steve Jobs asked himself every morning of his life. See in video from 09:25 min on.

If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?
I might not ask myself this question EVERY day, but at least regularly. I think it is a wonderful morning ritual to lead a happier life.
Below is the 15 minute video of Steve Jobs at Stanford University. Enjoy!